
Clean Breaks Ambassadors Announced

Friday, 28 June 2019

Today marks a moments day in our project to take positive action against plastic and marine pollution. At the beginning of the year, we pledged to remove single use plastics from our events and to recycle and reuse wherever possible. We also committed to championing other individuals, organisations and businesses taking positive action in the fight for our environment – and with the help of our Environment Partners Oltco, the Clean Breaks project was born.

To assist us with this challenge we have appointed a number of Clean Breaks Ambassadors from the ranks of the UK Pro Surf Tour. This team of environmentally conscious surfers will be on hand at all our events organising beach cleans, talking to the media and seeking out more champions of the environment.

To find out more about the Clean Breaks project, head over to the website and check out some of the stories. We will be contributing regularly to the blog and sharing the positive action of all those who seek to improve the current state our oceans are in. We look forward to seeing you on that journey!